What is Staff Augmentation in HME Billing?

Enhance your HME billing team with staff augmentation services.

Your HME billing team handles a variety of complex tasks. From handling intake to managing accounts receivables (A/R), the list is lengthy and often complicated by daily challenges.

So, what happens when your team needs extra help?

Outsourcing your entire billing function isn’t always the best option. For example, your backlogs might be building, which leaves little time to complete special projects, conduct training, or even run a resupply program. Your staff might be exhausted and your budget might be strapped. Employee churn or turnover might also be on the rise.

This is where staff augmentation comes in. Read on to see what this service offers and how it can enhance critical areas of your business.

What is Staff Augmentation?

You might know staff augmentation by several names, but staff augmentation is generally a service that enhances your HME or DME billing in the areas where you need it most.

What types of tasks are eligible for extra staffing? Prochant helps HME providers in several areas.

Some examples include:

  • A/R follow-up and resolution
  • Cash posting
  • Denial management
  • Resupply programs
  • Consignment closets
  • Special catch-up projects

However, these tasks vary from partner to partner. Your billing partner may provide a menu of staff augmentation services during your first meetings together.



How Does It Benefit HME Billing?

Staff augmentation is a win for your business.

This service helps to improve cash flow and reduce expenses. By hiring experts, you save time and money that might otherwise be spent on training or on-boarding. In addition, turning to this expertise streamlines your processes and automates your billing to speed up collections.

If you are ready to enhance your HME or DME billing with a trusted outsourcing company, contact us today! Our billing experts are available to answer your questions and conduct a complimentary data analysis to see where your business stands.

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Prochant is the nation’s leading HME billing and process outsourcing company. Our highly-skilled team helps providers become more profitable by outsourcing or enhancing front- and back-office processes. We rapidly implement changes and proactively monitor metrics to ensure client success. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, we work with top medical equipment providers and health systems.