Building a Strong HME Billing Team

Teamwork is the key to better HME billing.

What makes an HME billing team successful?

All of us at Prochant have reflected on this question recently.

Many of us were part of an HME billing team earlier in our careers. Now, we’re committed to helping these teams become more profitable. With offices all over the map – from headquarters in Charlotte to offices in Chennai and Trivandrum – we work across different time zones to ensure that providers’ billing teams run smoothly. It’s no easy feat and requires constant communication.

That’s why we are sharing some of our key takeaways with you. See below for the lessons we’ve learned about teamwork, which apply to building strong HME billing teams, too.

1. Answers are closer than you think.

Each day, Prochant holds a standing meeting. We share the latest updates on our clients’ accounts, learn about industry news and trends, and more. These meetings shine a light on the hard work and expertise of our team, and we take comfort in knowing that we can turn to them with any questions.

One of our account managers sums it up nicely: “All the information we learn across all the different departments…sets myself and Prochant up for future success.”

Key takeaway: Turn to your HME billing team when you have questions or concerns, no matter how big or small. That answer could come from the coworker sitting right next to you or from a phone call with a manager at another regional office!

2. No challenge is worth facing alone.

This lesson especially resonates with our team. Because we are a growing, global company, it’s easy to feel siloed or isolated, especially when facing tough tasks.

Our sales team says, “Getting to know team members, having open and honest conversations with the leadership team and staff, and learning where our organization is moving to in the future” are benefits of meeting with each other daily.

Key takeaway: Work together to tackle challenges! A challenge faced together with your coworkers, including your leadership team where necessary, is a challenge resolved. Your relationships with your HME billing team and your patients will be stronger.

3. Different viewpoints are vital to success.

As a familiar saying goes, “It takes all kinds of kinds.”

Recently, we had a productive conversation around improvements to Prochant’s processes. What made this discussion so beneficial was the diverse perspectives on this topic – each informed by different cultures, business backgrounds, and life experiences.

Key takeaway: Encourage discussions and differing opinions. Often, it is from these conversations that your billing team and your business truly bloom.

Stay tuned our blog, which is updated weekly. Until then, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest HME industry news and trends.

Prochant is the nation’s leading HME billing and process outsourcing company. Our highly-skilled team helps providers become more profitable by outsourcing or enhancing front- and back-office processes. We rapidly implement changes and proactively monitor metrics to ensure client success. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, we work with top medical equipment providers and health systems.